At this moment in time I spend my time in Italy, as last September I moved to Milan to following a MSc in Marketing Management at Bocconi University. It took some time and consideration to get there. After graduating from a bachelor with more finance oriented courses I decided to change ways and pursue a field of business that I always knew I was longing for. Even though I enjoyed what I did before, there was something lacking, and that was a way to express my creativity.. 

I dream of a career in which I will be able to exploit my creative side to inspire others and create a possible change in their lives.

A life in which I can let my dreams run free, as for me there is no way to control my thoughts, and I don’t know if I would want that any other way. My dreams and thought flow though every possible emotion. From happy to sad and from fear to excitement. That together with a healthy dose of romanticising, lays the foundation for a wide variety of wishes and desires.
In the end, I created a dreamworld in which it is always worth it to take a leap of faith. Something that might be uncomfortable or frightening in the first instance can become the environment in which you excel, and find what can become your idealised reality.

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